Last updateFri, 03 May 2024 10am


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Magical destinations

I had the honor of being invited to speak at the April 21 Open Circle session at the Lake Chapala Society. I chose the intriguing topic of Mexico’s Pueblos Mágicos because over time I realized that I had a complete misconception of the magic towns concept.

Good trouble

What do a few dedicated Lake Chapala Society volunteers have in common with the late civil rights activist John E. Lewis? It turns out to be the shared belief that that raising “good trouble” can bring about positive changes in favor of the common good.

Video spectacle sticker shock

As recently announced by officials from the local government and the state Tourism Department (Seturjal), a highlight of the upcoming Carnaval celebrations will be a video-mapping display over Lake Chapala’s waters that will put a focus on the area’s natural attributes and seasonal traditions.