Arts & Entertainment

Del Toro returns with ‘Pacific Rim’

New work by Tapatio director Guillermo del Toro splashes on to the big screen this week with big budget monster movie “Pacific Rim.”

Drawing influences from the “Godzilla” series and the sci-fi genre, “Pacific Rim” is set in the near future in which soldiers pilot massive robots to combat giant monsters that have risen from a portal beneath the Pacific Ocean.

The work is a labor of love by Guadalajara-born del Toro, 48, who not only directed, but also co-wrote and produced the movie. It represents something of a departure from his previous films, the best known being comic book adaptation “Hellboy” and the critically acclaimed historical fantasy/horror movies “The Devil’s Backbone” and “Pan’s Labyrinth,” both set during the Spanish Civil War.

“I’m very satisfied with the result because I think that nothing like this has been done before,” del Toro said this week. “It’s amazing in terms of spectacle and includes scenes never seen before in the cinema.”

Available in 3D and IMAX 3D, “Pacific Rim” opens in Mexico on Friday, under the Spanish-language title “Titanes del Pacifico.”