Holiday magic: talent, humor & festive fun highlight entertaining Los Cantantes Christmas concert

Los Cantantes del Lago is well known for great concerts but this year’s seasonal offering, “Lakeside for the Holidays,” held at the Auditorio de la Ribera del Lago on December 9 and 10, was met with rapturous delight by the audience.

The scene was set by the exultant and demanding “Gloria,” written by Mark Hayes, to which Michael Praetorius’ “Psallite” proved a gentle and beautifully harmonized contrast.

Then Musical Director Timothy G. Ruff Welch introduced pianist Eleanor Stromberg and an excellent trio: violinist Diego Rojas, oboist Jorge Rivero and cellist Issac Ramirez, from the Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra.

Five of Herman Schroeder’s clever arrangements of Christmas carols followed. The popular “Ding Dong Merrily on High,” “Away in a Manger” and “O Little Town of Bethlehem” were joined by the Canadian carol ‘’ ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime” and the less well known “Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head.”

The c.1865 African-American spiritual compiled by John Wesley Work – updated and made famous by Peter, Paul and Mary’s 1963 civil rights protest – was presented as “Go Tell It!” in a later arrangement by Jack Schrader. More complex in construction, it was vibrant, demanding and seemed to ebb and flow throughout the auditorium. Sung as a loose form of round, it was clearly popular with the audience.

Before intermission there was an imaginative presentation of Mark Hayes’ arrangement of “Jingle Bells,” written by John Pierpoint. With consummate ease, Stromberg’s flying fingers somehow kept pace with the rapid transitions of tempo, style and rhythm the piece demands.

The melody encompasses some unexpected and complicated inserts, including the signature bars of Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue,” amongst others. Here too, the beautiful harmonies at which this choir excels enhanced the entire experience.

Then suddenly, without warning, in bright pink pompadour wig and matching full-length frock, Jayme Littlejohn appeared – towing a shirtless Israel Alcantar Medeles on a lead!  Amid gales of laughter, the irrepressible pair went through a clever routine in which Littlejohn took over “Jingle Bells” as a soloist, accompanied by convincingly macho poses and gestures at the audience, from her “Chippendale-style” slave.

Pulling faces at his antics, Littlejohn’s singing key shifted higher and faster as a result, culminating in superbly clear, unwavering top-notes. The pair’s antics brought the house down.Before intermission, Welch stepped forward to announce the auction of two exquisite examples of quilting, created and donated by choir member Kitt Vincent and displayed, amid much laughter, by Medeles and Littlejohn. Welch explained that all funds raised would assist some members to meet next year’s tour costs. An enthusiastic audience response ensured the wall-hanging and 1930-pieced bedspread sold well.

Part two opened with “Shepherd Play Your Pipes Tonight” by Mark Shepperd followed by “Candlelight” a wistfully beautiful work by John Leavitt/Phil Speary.

Next, “José, the Temporary Reindeer” by Joyce Eilers told the delightful tale of the donkey from the all-night blacksmith who stood in for Blitzen when he threw a shoe, which soon had the audience chuckling.

Three more Schroeder arrangements: “God Rest You Merry Gentlemen,” “Now Sing We, Now Rejoice” and “Let Our Gladness Know No End,” led to Ed Lojeski’s arrangement of Connor and Heider’s “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus,” which was catchy, clearly articulated and huge fun.

Accompanied only by the cello and piano, Welch’s arrangement of Ben Steinberg’s deeply moving “Oseh Shalom” was much enjoyed, before Antonio Lotti’s “Gloria in Excelsis” appropriately brought the evening to a close.

The standing ovation was immediate, insistent and refused to abate until Welch returned to the dais and struck up the encore – “Feliz Navidad.” The audience joined in, singing and clapping in time to the music.

Over all too soon and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone, it made a really great start to the festive season.