Ajijic rises early for October devotions

During the entirety of October the village of Ajijic is roused from its slumber before daybreak as sky rockets burst in the air calling the faithful to early morning prayer in honor of La Virgen del Rosario.

The image depicting the Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus in her embrace leaves home at the old stone chapel on the north side at the end of September for an overnight vigil in San Antonio Tlayacapan before returning to Ajijic to spend four weeks as a guest at the San Andres church.


She is hailed each day with pilgrims gathering at different points in the town for a candlelight procession at 5:30 a.m. preceding morning devotions at parish.  

The tribute ends on October 31 with a huge late afternoon procession through the main streets that features floats decorated with spiritual themes, danzante troupes dressed in colorful

Indian costumes and marching bands. It is followed by a farewell Mass in the church atrium, the Virgin’s return trip to the chapel and a lively evening fiesta at the plaza.

While the town’s official religious patron saint is Saint Andrew, local people have recognized Our Lady of the Rosary as a divine guardian for nearly three centuries.