Fine Artists Guild holds first show

The Lake Chapala Fine Artists Guild has been hatched as a top-notch element in lakeside’s art scene, with the January 20-21 exhibit of works by its members held at the La Floresta home of Robina Nichol.

The elite organization of professional artists is a relaunch of the Lake Chapala Painting Guild, established in 2011 for the original purpose of promoting juried exhibitions of paintings and pastels only, and advancing quality of art through educational programs. The reborn guild is expanding its focus to include additional fine art media besides painting, but excluding handicrafts, jewelry and other forms of artistic expression handled by other local art groups.



The Fine Artists Guild is purposely kept small, with membership by invitation only. Active members currently include Stephany Andrews, Pat Apt, Zoe Armiger, Ernesto Barba, Carlos Antonio Blas, Ramón Carranza, Marian Decker, Cynthia du Bois, Steve Foreman, Oscar Orlando Ibarra, Steve Klarer, Gwynne Lott, Judy Miller, Marcia Mlynek, Garry Musgrave, Robina Nicol, Lois Schroff, Kathryn Thaggard and Belva Velazquez. Prospective artists wishing to join will be vetted for the quality of their work.

Follow the their activities on the provisional Facebook page Lake Chapala Fine Artists Guild, or the website.