City Living - July 13, 2013

The new Canadian consul and trade representative in Guadalajara will be Francis Miguel Uy. He is expected to take up his post at the beginning of August.  He replaces Yvonne Chin, who is leaving the city after a three-year tour of duty.


Omitted from last week’s photo report of the U.S. Consulate General’s Independence Day fiesta were the names of the three singers who interpreted “The Star Spangled Banner.”

Two of the three are actually Consulate staff members, although many in the audience were convinced they were all professional singers, such was their prowess.  Nicholas Geisinger and Michele Roulbet were joined by Mexico’s Horacio Becerra for the rendition of the U.S. anthem and the trio received a fully deserved ovation from the appreciative crowd.

JPO on TV & online

Jalisco’s state-owned Canal Siete (C7) television network provides some options for those who wish to watch some of the state’s cultural events without having to venture out of the front door.

The entire season of Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra concerts are being broadcast on C7 and its website, at 8:30 p.m. on Fridays and 12:30 p.m. on Sundays.

In addition, the new Musical Tuesdays opera recitals that take place at 8:30 p.m. in the Degollado’s below-ground Sala de Camara (chamber hall) are also on the broadcast schedule.  (See facing page for details of the concerts.)

For more information about C7 and to watch online go to

Expo GDL

Upcoming events at Expo Guadalajara (Mariano Otero & Av. de las Rosas):

n Intermoda, July 16-19. International fashion expo.

n Confitexpo, July 30-August 2. Confectionery industry trade show.

n Feria el Mundo de las Manualidades, August 1-3. Decorations, gifts, crafts fair, suitable for the general public.

n Convención Nacional de Ferromodelismo, August 2-4. Railway modelers convention.

Colores del Mundo

The third edition of the Festival Internacional de Danza Los Colores del Mundo, featuring folk dance groups from five nations performing at various venues in ten Jalisco municipalities, got underway July 11, with performances set through Friday, July 19.

At the opening ceremony, around 300 dancers from Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Chile interpreted the famous “Jarabe Tapatio” in Zapopan’s Plaza de las Americas.

Organized by the Instituto de Cultura Zapopan, the festival has grown from its small beginnings in the town of Tesistan.  Around 30 groups will be taking part in this year’s festival. 

The festival closes with a free  gala show in the patio of the Zapopan Municipal Palace on Friday, July 19, 7 p.m. For more information call 3818-2546.


The Museum of Journalism and Graphic Arts is staging an exhibition entitled “Juego de Loteria” (The Lottery Game) consisting of nine engravings by Arturo Rivera, an acclaimed artist from Mexico City, relating to Mexico’s famous children’s board game. There are also 60 reproductions of Rivera’s paintings on display. The Museo de Periodismo y las Artes Graficas is on Avenida Alcalde 225.  It also has permanent displays of local newspaper and television history.