Dems Abroad in GDL to show film

People interested in the Democratic party, along with their friends and relatives, are invited to see the movie “In a Better World” in the home of a member on Sunday, April 2, 2 p.m. Spokesperson Jude Wallesen emphasized that new attendees are welcome. 

“We always follow our movie with enlightening conversation,” she added.

The 2010 film is about Anton, a Danish doctor, who commutes between his home in Danish town and work at an African refugee camp. In parallel stories set in these two different worlds, he and his family face conflicts that lead to difficult choices. Anton and his wife have two young sons, are separated and struggling with the possibility of divorce. The film considers characters who act with cruelty and those who act with empathy and poses moral choices for those in the middle of the spectrum.

The movie will be shown at a home near Federico Javier Gamboa and Niños Heroes in Guadalajara, not far from Centro Magno, where there is plenty of street parking. Those attending are asked to bring nibble-style, forkless snacks to share and their own beverage.

For directions and to RSVP, contact Wallesen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (cell) 044-332-257-4558.