Local Dems to meet
The Guadalajara Chapter of Democrats Abroad hosts its annual general meeting Saturday, February 22, 5-7 p.m. at La Bocha Restaurant on the Glorieta Chapalita.
Chair Jude Wallesen will report on the chapter’s health and development, the getting-out-the-vote strategy will be discussed, a fiscal accounting of the chapter will be provided and one or more board member will be appointed, among other matters.
Walking in Chapalita
The Walking Club will explore the leafy Chapalita neighborhood on Tuesday, February 25. Walkers will meet at 11 a.m. at the bandstand in the center of Glorieta Chapalita, at the intersection of Avenidas Guadalupe and De Las Rosas. Bring a hat, water, sunscreen, and wear comfortable walking shoes. For more information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Whats App 871-271-6825.
Pet Fair at Metropolitano
The first Feria de Mascota (Pet Fair) sponsored by Walmart and Purina is scheduled at the Parque Metropolitano Saturday, February 22, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Expect to find booths hawking pet-related products and services, training classes for pooches, free veterinary consultations and dogs up for adoption, among other “surprises.”
Swing, jazz & wine
An option for music fans who also enjoy a glass of good wine is Rayuela Bodega de Vino, a tapas and wine bar located in Colonia Americana. Enjoy swing on Fridays and jazz on Saturdays, from 9-11 p.m. At Avenida Alemania 1779, a couple of blocks from the Niños Heroes glorieta. Learn more at rayuelabodegadevino.com.