Ajijic’s annual hot stuff shootout simmering nicely

The really big story about this year’s Mexican National Chili Cookoff is that it will go ahead as scheduled from Friday, February 10 through Sunday, February 12.

Organizers have overcome the slings, arrows and bumps in the road thrown up by the extension of the Chapala Carnaval to two weeks instead of one. There were concerns that the companies sponsoring both events – Corona and Coca-Cola – would not have enough tents to go around. Also, would the city have enough police to direct traffic and provide security? And organizers feared that the scheduling problem would mean more competition for patrons for the 34th Cookoff than ever before.

Undaunted, the committee decided to forge ahead with their plans. They found tents to rent and private security for the event. A new glitch, however, surfaced when the subdivision in the area where the Cookoff committee had hung their advertising banner removed the sign. In fact, they removed the banner three times!

Astute committee members then decided to place people with placards advertising the charity event in front of the Tobolandia water park where the event will be held.

Their determination may pay dividends. This year’s Mexican National Chili Cookoff could be the hottest one ever.

The venue, now moved inside and behind the Tobolandia water park, looks to be more functional than before, with its level grass, deep shade and tended walkways. Special golf carts will be provided for those who need help moving around. The big rented tents offer greater space for more vendors and a larger variety of goods than in previous years.

Besides the competition categories of Salsa Cooks, Chili Home Cooks and Chili Professional Cooks, thirsty patrons will get to participate in a margarita tasting contest. It should be fun. The 30-peso margarita tasting kit makes provision for two-ounces of the tequila cocktail. With ten participants vying for the trophy, the party should be lively. In fact, all of the awards will go to groups, restaurants or individuals chosen by People’s Choice. Salsa and margarita contests are on Friday, February 10, Home Cooks Chili on February 11 and Professional Cooks Chili on February 12.

Entertainment is going to be as hot as the chili this year, headlined by the famous Voladores de Papantla from Veracruz. The “Dance of the Flyers” is an ancient death-defying ceremony. Four dancers will leap toward the ground from atop a 105-foot pole, tethered at the ankle by ropes twirling around the pole toward the ground while the fifth dancer balances atop the pole playing his flute. Others on the entertainment roster include Noe and the Classics, Los Hijos de la Macarona flamenco group, Aziram belly dancers, Bossa Brasil, Jerry Mayfield, Bryan James, Ballet Folklorico de Ixtlahuacan and more.

The Cruz Roja Duck Races will run each afternoon and will surely create lots of fun and excitement. Winners of the first three heats will compete for a new flat-screen TV during the finals on Sunday afternoon.

One of the Cookoff’s sponsors, Delta Airlines, will be on the field during the event. Anyone who purchases airplane tickets during the event will receive a 100-dollar (U.S.) discount from their fare. Delta is also putting up two round-trip tickets to anywhere in the United States as one of more than 100 raffle prizes.

The colorful Cookoff parade begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 11, starting at Seis Esquinas, heading east on Ocampo and north on Encarnacion to Actinver and then east again on the Carretera to the gates of Tobolandia.

A new charity has been added to the list of community organizations who will all share equally in the net proceeds of the Cookoff. Love in Action volunteers will be selling fresh home-made baked goods, coffee and other snacks in the food court. They join the other benefitting charities: Cruz Roja de Chapala, Centro de Desarrollo Ajijic, Los Niños de Chapala y Ajijic, Los Niños de San Antonio, Programa pro Niños Incapacitados del Lago, the Lakeside School for the Deaf and Children with Special Needs and Casa de Ancianos in Chapala.

The 34th edition of the Mexican National Chili Cookoff promises to be more fun than ever and a real deal for entertainment, interesting bargains, good food and company and a good time. Admission is 20 pesos at the gate or 15 pesos purchased early from volunteers in one of the charities involved.
For more detailed information about the Cookoff, have a look at www.mexicanchilicookoff.com.