Multi-listing website back bigger, better than ever

The multi-listing website that served Lakeside realtors is up and running again. It’s been under construction since September, when U.S. investors came on board looking to update and expand a site that gets more than two and a half million hits each month.

During its five-month hiatus, hundreds of names were collected on a re-launch notification wait list. The wait is now over. was the first online MLS system in Mexico, beginning 18 years ago. Through the years the site has expanded to include photos and details, the Multiple Listing Site book and web presence. Registered as MLS de Mexico, the site operates under Imagen Publicaciones, the company that also publishes the Chapala Directory and the Street-Smart map book.

MLSMexico is being expanded to include popular destinations throughout Mexico and short-term, long-term and vacation rental, and a calendar with dates for open houses, seminars and tours.

The site is updated daily and realtors throughout Mexico are being offered three months free to try the new site format.

For more information visit, write to info@mlsmexico or call (376) 762-0403.