New Hope in new location

The non-denominational congregation of New Hope Christian Fellowship moved into its new location for services on February 7. The congregation’s 11 a.m. service is now held upstairs in the new Presbyterian Church. 

This new group of believers came into existence in August of last year, and have been meeting in homes until now. 

“Our spirit of unity and the willingness of members to fill needs as they have arisen has been amazing,” says Pastor Gene Raymer. “When our home became too small to seat everyone comfortably, our Association President volunteered his home without even being asked. Others have filled positions of leadership willingly.”

Raymer says there is still work to be done to make the new quarters more amenable. Some paint and carpeting are next on the list. Members of the church are working together to get those items completed quickly. Raymer calls the generosity of the Presbyterians comparable with the generosity of the first century Christian churches who came to the aid of their fellow churches in need. The pastor adds that their hosts have taken extra measures to accommodate the fledgling group. 

“Our ability to serve God by meeting the needs of the community will be far better in our new location,” Raymer notes.

New Hope Christian Fellowship is a group of Christian believers who meet and worship as the first-century Christians worshipped. Raymer points out that there were no denominations in the first century church, only believers in Christ. Likewise, all Christian believers are invited to join with them in the worship of God. 

As usual, the worship service on Sunday, February 14 will be preceded by a refreshment period at 10:45 a.m. Along with scripture, hymns and prayers, this week’s service will include observance of open communion. Following the regular worship service, the fellowship continues with a meal at a local restaurant.