Local charities gather for Regalorama cash distribution

Several local charities benefited from financial contributions raised and distributed from St. Andrew’s Anglican Church’s yearly Regalorama bazaar.

This annual event has been helping the community for more than ten years, and all of the profits go to Lakeside charities. This year, the Outreach Committee of St. Andrew’s presented checks to UVA Scholarship Fund, Centro de Desarrollo de Jocotepec, VIHAS, Hope House, the Red Cross, the Lakeside Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, the School for Special Children, and Tepehua Community Center.

Recipients of the contributions were at St. Andrew’s Sunday, April 10 to receive their checks. (Back, L-R) Sheilah Dwyer, Co-Chair Regalorama; Laura Foster, Chair Outreach Committee; Winston Welty, Rector; Kathy Cunningham, Junior Warden; Howie Boz, UVA; Al Fella, Church Treasurer. (Middle, L-R) Sylvia Stard, Co-Chair, Regalorama; Gin Pelzl, Treasurer, Tepehua; Don Snell, Deacon; Gustavo Medeles, Lakeside Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. (Front, L-R) Bobby Lancaster, VIHAS; Arely Rocha, VIHAS, Yoli Martinez, Red Cross; Sylvia Flores, Centro de Desarrollo Jocotepec; Diana Ayala, VIHAS; Jan Riley, School for Special Children and Rodney Dutro, Hope House.