Chapala area cranks up Fiestas Patrias month

Mexico’s Mes Patrio (patriotic month) is now underway and lakeside communities are ready to kick off special events leading up to Independence Day celebrations.

pg8bPrior to the September 15-16 festivities, the local Fiestas Patrias calendar includes traditional beauty queen contests and equestrian events linked to the Dia del Charro programmed in different localities. Civic ceremonies held on September 13 will honor the Niños Heroes, the young military cadets who sacrificed their lives in defense of the nation as U.S. troops stormed Chapultepec Castle in 1847 at the height of the Mexican-American War.

Chapala got things rolling Thursday, September 1, with a formal commemoration of its official designation as a city, established in 1970 by a state government decree. 

Ajijic stands out as ground zero for a huge variety of September happenings organized under town administrator Chuni Medeles in conjunction with multiple Fiestas Patrias sub-committees.

A Fiesta Mexicana organized for Friday, September 2, 3-6 p.m., will raise funds to defray some program costs.

Here’s a glance at other events coming up prior to the main patriotic blow-out. Punctual expats should keep in mind that the announced times are always subject to last minute changes or unforeseen delays. Traffic congestion and parking problems are to be expected in the vicinity where activities are taking place.

Sunday, September 3

Ruta Ciclista Recreativa, a family-friendly cycling, starts from the intersection of  Calle Revolución and Constitución at the west end of La Floresta, 9 a.m.

Reina de Fiestas Patrias Ajijic contest final, Ajijic Plaza, 9 p.m.

pg7aSaturday, September 10

Regata de Globos, the popular paper balloon flying extravaganza, Cruz Azul soccer field, Calle Revolución at Guadalupe Victoria, from 3 p.m. Voluntary donations requested for admission at the gate. Spectators may squeeze into the viewing stands or bring picnic gear to watch from the grounds. Food and drinks available on site.  

Pasarela de Rebozos, an exhibition of typical Mexican shawls, with live music by Mariachi Águila de Chapala, Chapala Plaza, 6 p.m.

Verbena Popular, a village fair at the San Antonio Tlayacapan Plaza, 6 p.m., followed by Reina de Fiestas Patrias contest final, 8:30 p.

Sunday, September 11

Carrera Recreativa Tri-Color, a three-kilometer foot race in which runners are sprayed with red, green and white natural pigments starts at the Ajijic plaza, 9 a.m. A 50-peso registration fee includes protective eye glasses, contestant number and hydration drink. Sign-ups at the Delegación office.

Dia del Charro celebration in Ajijic starts with Mass at the San Andrés Church, noon, followed by equestrian parade along Parroquia-Hidalgo and Ocampo-Constitución, 1 p.m. Continues with an exhibition of charrería sports and musical entertainment, Lienzo Charro bullring, Calle Revolución below the soccer field, 3 p.m.

Usos y Costumbres del Rebozo, the annual exhibition of shawls with a new twist, competition in categories for girls, mature women, typical Mexican costumes and modern fashions, Ajijic Plaza, 7 p.m.

Reina de Fiestas Patrias Chapala competition, with live music by Mariachi Águila de Chapala, at the central plaza, 7 p.m.

Ajijic Fiestas Queen Coronation dance, at the village plaza, 9 p.m

Tuesday, September 13

“Aquellos Tiempos,” an exhibit of the Archives collection 50 vintage photographs recently acquired from the Fototeca Nacional, showing local scenes captured between 1890 and 1955), Chapala City Hall lobby, 7 p.m.

(See next week’s Reporter for details on Independence Day celebrations.)