San Antonio Malecón upgraded for bird watching

The Lake Chapala region’s wild bird population is recognized as one its greatest natural attributes.  More than 300 different species inhabit its water, shoreline, surrounding lowlands and mountain ranges. 

Winged creatures — both migratory and year-round resident varieties –—are the focus of the  Sendero de Observación de Aves (bird watch trail) inaugurated Wednesday, September 28, at the waterfront Malecón in San Antonio Tlayacapan. 

The marked pathway is named after Alexander von Humboldt, the renowned German naturalist and explorer who visited Lake Chapala in 1803 during a year-long research tour of Mexico. It is made up of seven observation stations, starting from the west end of the Malecón, identified by illustrated bilingual plaques that provide visitors with brief explanations about birds and plants, their role in the ecosystem, and conservation values.

The Sendero project was designed as a bird sanctuary and natural reserve that also involves a guided tour program and educational workshops on environmental topics offered at local schools.  It is the product of a joint initiative between Instituto Corazón de la Tierra, the Goethe Institut Mexiko, the lakeshore region’s Intermunicipal Association for Environmental Protection (AIPROMADES) and the Chapala municipal government. A significant portion of the funding came from a matching fund grant awarded by Goethe Institut Mexiko in conjunction with its 2016-2017 Dual Year of Germany in Mexico celebration. 

As of October 15, the 40-minute walking tours led by trained personnel will be offered every Saturday and Sunday, 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m., and on a daily basis during winter months starting at the end of November.  The guides are equipped with binoculars and bird catalogues that will be loaned to enhance the experience. Groups of five or more may also book tours by advance appointment with Corazón de la Tierra staffer Fabiola Aréchiga at Tel. (01-33) 3825-1361 and (01-33) 8995-1200, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..