Volunteering at Lakeside: Why not give it a go

Anyone living at Lakeside soon realizes there are many charities working to provide for the people and animals here.  Dinners, special events, donation jars, consignment stores and church collections all provide the funds necessary for projects and budget needs.  

But without the volunteers, none of this would happen.  

Volunteers are frequently asked why they would want to give up prime retirement hours to bag beans, walk dogs, work at a thrift store, or sell tickets. The typical response is that doing a service for the community makes them feel good.  A Catholic friend usually answers that she’s earning purgatory points so that the path to heaven will come more quickly.  

Here are a few examples of the many charities in the  lakeside area that are always in need of new volunteers.

Operation Feed: What causes people to get up early every Thursday morning and travel to Viva Mexico in San Juan Cosala to bag beans, rice, oats and soy?  It’s the instant feeling of gratification that comes from providing food to families who might otherwise go hungry.  Working the despensa (food basket) line at Operation Feed doesn’t take too long, so the day still lies ahead for adventures and personal activities.  A real sense of camaraderie is forged through the sharing of helpful hints about living at Lakeside and tales of travels and family.

pg11bLucky Dog: There is nothing so joyful as a happy dog!  Those who volunteer at Lucky Dog get wiggly butts, lots of kisses and plenty of walks.  They also do the less glamorous tasks of cleaning kennels, doing the wash, checking for ticks, and the constant little repair jobs that are required in this amazing animal shelter.  Need a little pick-me up?  Want to feel loved?  Those working for Lucky Dog, and the other animal shelters, will all tell you that they get their hearts filled each time.  

The School for Special Children: Big events and the revenue from charity thrift stores provide much of the funding required to keep the School for Special Children in Jocotepec operating.  The store’s terrific volunteers take on a weekly shift to display items, keep the place clean, and attend to customers.  

So, if you’re looking for some way to fill your heart, meet new people, and give back to the community, check out any of these, or other local charities.  They all need more volunteers and would be happy to help you become a member of their team.