Laguna Chapalac – September 3, 2016

Fiestas Patrias

The Lake Chapala Society will host the Fiesta Mexicana Mi Mexico, Colores y Cariño Friday, September 2, 3-6 p.m. in the LCS garden. A Mexican show of mariachi and ballet folklorico along with a greased pole climbing competition and the release of color paper balloons is planned.

Tickets at 200 pesos include a welcome margarita or beer and a hearty Mexican buffet of sopes, tacos, tamales and pozole.

Come celebrate next month’s patriotic fever with your Mexican neighbors.

British Society

The next Lakeside British Society lunch is Saturday, September 3, 1 p.m. at Manix Restaurant when Tom Nussbaum, a member of the Ajijic Writer’s Group, will be the featured speaker.

Manix is at Ocampo 57 in Ajijic, and has parking available on an adjacent lot.

For reservations call Arlene, 766-1742 or Sue, 766-0847, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

pg13bTarahumara fundraiser

The second annual Jeanne W. Chaussee Education Fund for Tarahumara Indigenous Children is slated for Sunday, September 4, at La Bodega Restaurant from 1 to 5 p.m. The event helps fund a school that houses and feeds over 100 children in the Copper Canyon in Chihuahua. They are taught to be proud of who they are and where they come from, first in their own language and then in Spanish and are given the skills to help them survive out in the world or their traditional culture.

Many former students of this school have continued their education and later returned to serve in their communities as doctors, nurses, dentists and lawyers.

La Bodega will be offering pasta dishes and some lighter fare, with the proceeds earmarked to kit out the students and help with other school supplies.  A percentage of sales of fashion accessories by Ana R, Jose Melendrez and Libby Townsend also will go to the fund.

There will also be a 50/50 draw, live music, and anyone who donates cash or school supplies will be given a chance to win a prize. For more information about the event contact Townsend at 331-074-3311. La Bodega is located at 16 de Septiembre 124, Ajijic. Reservations: (376) 766-1002.

Open Circle

Suzanne Salimbene (Ph.D) will present “A Day in the Life of the Jalisco Ballet” at Open Circle on Sunday, September 4, 10:30 a.m. in the garden of the Lake Chapala Society.

Salimbene will introduce us to Jalisco’s only professional ballet company, summarizing its history, the background of its ballet masters, and goal to attain international recognition. However, the focus will be upon the dancers themselves through a description of the exacting six-day-a-week warm up, training, and rehearsal schedule. Company dancers will talk about their rigorous daily routines and their previous training, experience, and professional goals.

Not involved in dance professionally, Salimbene has been a lifetime lover and supporter of dance. She was an assistant professor at UCLA and a visiting language specialist for several U.S. government agencies in Spain, Poland, Sri Lanka, China, and Mexico. She has also written about and taught medical professionals how to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate care to patients from other cultures. After living in Guadalajara for more than eight years, she has recently become a permanent resident of Ajijic.

For more information, see


The Heart of Awareness Buddhist Sangha meets weekly on Wednesdays. Noble Silence begins at 3:30 p.m., followed at 4 p.m. by a formal meditation period, dharma teachings and discussion.   In September the teachings will be from a four-part video Tricycle Retreat titled “Real Happiness” with Sharon Salzburg. Part 1, on September 7, is about “Concentration.”

The First Sunday Long Sit, September 4, is from 9 a.m. to noon. Arrive by 8:50 a.m. to prepare for three rounds of 40 minutes sitting and 20 minutes walking meditation. Come for one to three hours.

On Monday, September 5, 3 p.m. the Dharma Movie Matinee is “Even Though the World is Burning,” a documentary about Poet Laureate W.S. Merry who has won almost every major poetry prize that exists, including two Pulitzers.  

The center is open for hour-long silent meditation periods on Monday, from 9 to 10 a.m. and Thursday from 11 a.m. to noon. A yoga class suitable for all levels of experience is offered on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 to 11 a.m.

The sangha’s location is at Guadalupe Victoria 101 in Ajijic.

For more information, visit, or call Janet Reichert, (376) 766-6069.

Legion Labor Day fest

American Legion Post Seven will hold a Labor Day feast Monday, September 5, beginning with a social hour at 2 p.m. and a BBQ ribs dinner at 3 p.m. Also on the menu: corn on the cob, broccoli salad and cheese cake. Cost: 200 pesos. Local guitar virtuoso Daniel Cordero will entertain.

Birthday bash

Join six Lakesiders as they celebrate their birthdays, Tuesday, September 6 at La Bodega. Live 1950s music will begin at 7:30 for dancing. So far the birthday boys and girls include Karol Gula, Fair and Kay Borkoswki, Marianne Amodt, Gordan Cowan, Lani Zeigler and Lucie Rosa-Stagi. If you’re birthday falls on this month, come and make merry. Call 766-1002 for reservations and say you’re with the birthday group. The fun begins at 6:30 p.m.

LCS Bus Trip

The Lake Chapala Society is offering a bus trip to Guadalajara’s centro featuring a self-guided walking tour of the area’s historic sites Wednesday, September 7. Admire the 18 and 19th century architecture, stunning murals and artwork, while enjoying people watching and lunch in the Plaza de Laureles or elegant dining in the Hotel Mendoza. A detailed map will be provided. Cost is 300 pesos for LCS members and 350 pesos for non-members. Reservations must be made by Saturday, September 3 at LCS.

Lakeside Singles

The next mixer for the Lakeside Singles is Thursday September 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Hotel Real in La Floresta. A special of 2 for 1 on wine, beer and margaritas is offered. You can stay for dinner if you wish. Real de Chapala is located at Paseo del Prado 20.

If you plan to attend, reserve at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Canadian Club

Susan Johnson and Cony Larios are the featured speakers at the next meeting of the Canadian Club of Lake Chapala, Wednesday, September 14 at La Nueva Posada. The pair will talk about Mexico’s education system, in which they both have extensive experience. The social hour begins 3 p.m. and the program at 4 p.m. You do not have to be Canadian to attend. A 50-peso charge is levied for non-members. See for more information.

La Ola

The girls at La Ola orphanage started school this week. All attend an excellent private school where they benefit from smaller class sizes and professional tutoring after school, as well as activities such as music, art and sports. There is at least one child in almost each grade from kindergarten through high school and four young women in university. In order to get everyone out the door by 7 a.m. for the 30-minute drive to school, showers in the one bathroom start early the evening before and teens must get up as early as 4 a.m. La Ola is working on their new home next to El Perico hotel where more bathrooms are planned. To help the orphanage reach its construction goal, call 387-763-0749.