Medicare for all, including outside the United States

Expanding Medicare coverage to all U.S. citizens could improve health care for millions. However, with very limited exceptions, the current Medicare program limits coverage for Part A and Part B to costs incurred inside the United States.

pg3As a result, U.S. citizens traveling or living abroad who have paid into Social Security are denied Medicare coverage outside the country. This leaves them dependent on private insurance for any accident or illness outside the United States. Now, new Congressional proposals to eliminate private insurance while enacting “Medicare for All” would leave them without even that protection.

One solution is to expand Medicare to cover health care costs for citizens wherever they travel or live. The U.S. Commerce Department estimates that more than 49 million U.S. citizens made trips to Mexico and Canada in 2017, the most frequently visited countries. And the U.S. State Department indicates that more than 1.5 million U.S. citizens live in Mexico. I’m one of them.


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