Sandi becomes Gonvill

Not long after one iconic bookstore closed in Guadalajara, another has opened in its place.

Sandi Bookstore, the specialist English-language outlet on Avenida Tepeyac in Colonia Chapalita, operated for 47 years before closing its doors in August, 2017. Now stepping into the shoes of the store owned and run successfully by the Day family for decades is Librerias Gonvill, a well-known local chain that launched its first bookstore in Guadalajara in 1967.



The changeover was relatively seamless, since the installations were already in place for the bookstore format. While the majority of the books for sale are in Spanish, one wall is dedicated to English-language tomes. Tepeyac 716; Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.