Son de Mexico puts wow factor into Day of the Dead dance show

The Son de Mexico dance troupe from San Juan Cosala opened its three-performance Dia de Muertos show series on Wednesday, October 30, putting on a magnificent two-hour spectacle for the small but appreciative audience in attendance at the Auditorio de la Ribera.

The first act is devoted to the group’s unique program entitled Mariposas de Obsidiana (Obsidian Butterflies), conceived, choreographed and staged by Son de Mexico’s talented director Luis Guzman Zamora. Based on an ancient legend of Michoacan’s indigenous P’urepecha culture, it conveys the story of how the souls of fallen warriors emerge in the form of Monarch butterflies. Ten dance pieces set to original musical compositions by Ernesto Cano Lomeli are played on instruments typical of the pre-Columbian era.

Festive folk dances from the states of Puebla, Michoacan, Veracruz, Nayarit and Jalisco make up the second act. The dancers perform with flawless style and jubilant spirit, that really fires up the audience.

Skillful lighting techniques, stunning costuming and well selected props further enhance the show.

Repeat performances are booked for Wednesday, November 6 and Wednesday, November 13, both at 6:30 p.m. Tickets, going for 150 pesos per person, may be purchased in advance at the auditorium desk or at the door on either show date.