Consulate offers guidance to US voters

With the 2014 United States election cycle now in progress, the Guadalajara Consulate General sponsored an outreach session on the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) on Tuesday, January 14 at the Lake Chapala Society headquarters in Ajijic. 

Mark Seibel, head of the Consulate’s American Citizens Services Section, introduced guest speaker Scott Wiedmann, representing FVAP headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. Gearing his presentation for the small audience in attendance, Wiedmann focused principally on recent changes in the law that effect U.S. citizens residing abroad in regard to voter registrations and procedures to obtain and cast absentee ballots.

Most of the individuals present turned out to be permanent lakeside residents who volunteer for local Vote from Abroad promotion campaigns. The group soaked up pertinent details revealed in the timely refresher course on helping expats who wish to exercise their rights in filling 33 Senate seats, 435 seats in the House of Representative, governorships in 36 states and three territories, voting in state and local elections and other ballot initiatives.  Wiedmann left them one copy of the latest edition of the hefty Voter Assistance Guide outlining specific regulations applied in all U.S. states and territories, with a promise to send off a full box of the books and related government forms once he returns to his office.

Detailed information is also posted on the recently up-graded website