Chapala fire chief disowns cash donation appeal

Chapala Fire Department chief Lorenzo Salazar Guerrero has issued a warning to foreign residents who are being approached for cash donations to support the August 22 celebration of Dia del Bombero.  

He has recently gotten wind of a bogus and poorly worded letter written in English requesting contributions for a Firemen’s Day party at the local base. The solicitation bears the Chapala Bomberos logo and the name and signature of Daniel Ramirez Gutierrez under the title Director General.

Salazar firmly denies generating the letter, emphasizing that he and members of his squad never ask for cash and only accept donations in kind. He identified Ramirez as the acting fire department chief in Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos.  

Following their traditional thanksgiving Mass at the San Francisco Church, set for Saturday, 4:30 p.m., Chapala bomberos and their families will gather at local restaurant for a comida (dinner) which is being paid for out-of-pocket by staffers who have built up a joint kitty just for the occasion.