Oops … driver license mobile unit cancels

The Jalisco Traffic Department (SeMov) postponed the visit of its driver license mobile unit programmed for last Monday in Chapala on short notice, leaving several hundred unhappy applicants up a creek without a paddle.

SeMov gave notice of the cancelation late Friday, after city hall office hours. Although a public advisory of the snafu appeared on the Municipal Government’s Facebook page on Sunday, most people registered for the service didn’t find out until they arrived at the venue until early the following day.

Personnel at the office of Chapala’s Secretary General tell the Reporter that an alternate date in August or September will be set sometime next week. Theoretically, people already holding numbers for the botched July 31 service will be given priority the next time around. Interested parties are advised to check in with Cynthia at the desk outside the Secretaria General and closely follow Gobierno Municipal de Chapala on Facebook.