Parking space hogs beware

The Chapala government is continuing a crackdown on persons who place obstacles in the streets to reserve parking spots outside their homes and places of business without city hall authorization.

pg13The initiative to free up space on public thoroughfares started in central Chapala back in November. After slacking off over the Christmas holidays, last week city officials backed by municipal traffic police resumed the effort to remove curbside obstructions in Chapala, and expand vigilance to the streets of Ajijic.

The process of obtaining a special permit for an exclusive parking space starts with a visit to the office of Padrón y Licencias, located in the south wing on the ground floor at Chapala City Hall. The applicant will be sent to Tránsito Municipal headquarters, on Avenida Hidalgo near the corner of Madero, to solicit the required on-site feasibility inspection.

If the permit is approved, the applicant returns to the licensing department for calculation  of the corresponding fee. The monthly charge runs at 17 pesos per meter for parallel parking, or 30 pesos per meter for a diagonal space. Permit holders are required to mark the curb with special reflective yellow paint and the corresponding license number.

At present, city hall has a register of only 15 legitimate special parking permits in Chapala, seven in Ajijic and two more in San Antonio Tlayacapan.