Feisty woman thwarts carjacker

A long-time lakeside foreign resident fought off a would-be carjacker who assaulted her while she sat in her SUV parked on Ajijic’s Calle Independencia on Sunday, February 10.

The victim advertently unlocked the back doors when she got into the car, making it easy for the assailant to jump inside and demand that she hand over the keys. As a struggle ensued in the front seat, the man put a knife to the petite septuagenarian’s throat just when the ignition key dropped on the floor out of reach.

Moments later a pedestrian and a couple in a passing car stopped at the scene, spooking the attacker, who took flight on foot, making off with the victim’s handbag. During the fray she sustained a black eye and bruising to various parts of her body.

The incident was reported to the Ministerio Público prosecutor’s office, where the case has been turned over to state investigators.