Cruz roja delivers sanitation kits

Representatives of the Jalisco branch of Cruz Roja Mexicana rolled into Chapala early Monday, June 1, with a truckload of cleaning supplies to give away to local families of limited means.

The mission was to provide vulnerable inhabitants with household sanitation and hygiene products to help contain the chain of infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Each of the 1,500 sanitation kits contains items such as soap, laundry detergent, chlorine, mopping disinfectant and cleaning cloths.



Prior to going out on delivery rounds to different neighborhoods, Chapala Red Cross Honorary President Yolanda Martínez and Mayor Moy Anaya assisted Cruz Roja deputy state delegate Jaime Rivas Brambila for a symbolic handout to housewives representing the city’s different residential barrios.

Beneficiaries include out-of-work fisherman, Malecón vendors and others whose livelihoods have been interrupted by the Covid-19 lockdown.