Ajijic streets undergoing repairs

As the 2022 rainy is beginning to taper off, the Chapala government is finally getting to work to fix up a few of Ajijic’s pothole-riddled streets.

pg3bThis week, workmen closed off  three blocks of Calle Colón between the plaza and the pier to patch gaping holes and replace the flagstone pavers marking parallel tire tracks.

Cobblestone repairs were also underway on heavily transited Calle Revolución in the stretch north of the highway.

Meanwhile, Chapala City Hall authorities have launched the installation of pedestrian-friendly crosswalks concentrated in the center of town. The work is being carried out with a budget of 834,640 pesos designated from the federal government’s Fund for Social Infrastructure allocated for the municipality.

A similar crosswalk project was scratched during the previous administration due to vigorous public opposition to the design. By contrast, the new initiative entails completely filling in selected intersections with small blocks of flat stone pavers laid out like a solid carpet in a multicolored mosaic pattern.   

The corners of Juárez and Hidalgo, and Galeana at Zaragoza were near completion this week.

Eight more key points are mapped out in the work plan.

Motorists may be taken by surprise to encounter different intersections blocked off  from one day to the next as the street repair crew moves from one spot to another.