Jocotepec students take their science projects abroad

Students involved in the Jocotepec Preparatoria’s Club de Ciencias have earned their way to participate in various international science competitions this year.

pg15cAfter taking gold and silver medals in several national events, Diana Balmori Jiménez, Karen Ximena Morales and Alexa Mariely Xilonzochitl have been selected to present their irrigation system project, “Vital Social and Agricultural Uses of Water,” at the Infomatrix science and technology contest slated for March in Quito, Ecuador.

In June they will head off to Kyrgyzstan, a former satellite of the USSR, where they will further develop scientific teamwork and English-language skills in the 15th International Research School (IRS) program. The event takes place on the shores of Issyk-Kul Lake that shares a similar altitude and designation as Ramar wetlands site with Lake Chapala.

Rubí Flor González and Karen Yosselin Machuca will travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina in September to present their physics project, “The Sword in the Sky,” at the annual Feria de Ciencias del Medio Ambiente.

Jessica García Aguilar and Karol Mariann Flores Manzo garnered gold and platinum medals in Jalisco’s Science and Engineering Fair and the Código CienciaExpo for their project “From Magnetism to Electromagnetism,” securing a place at the la Feria de Ciencias in Santiago de Chile next October.

Through the development of projects as members of the Jocotepec Preparatoria Club de Ciencias, students are prepared for entry into international science competitions and training programs across the globe. Photo by UDG press