San Pedro Itzicán villagers receive health care benefits

As part of the Poles of Community Development program for the municipality of Poncitlán, representatives of Jalisco’s Social Assistance System Secretariat (SSAS) distributed 300 checks among senior citizens with disabilities and families caring for kidney patients in the village of  San Pedro Itzicán.

The delivery of benefits totaling 2.7 million pesos took place on Thursday, December 7. During the event, authorities announced that 20 million pesos has been earmarked to invest in expanding the Vivienda Digna program which aims to rebuild homes in the priority attention zone and paint the facades of 1,500 homes in Santa Cruz, San Jacinto and San Juan Tecomatlán, in the next phase of the Polos de Desarrollo Comunitario program.


Officials present for the occasion included SSAS Undersecretary for Resource Management Daniel Robles and Strategic Projects Director Maricarmen Bayardo, Poncitlán Mayor Arturo Isrrael Ascencio Gómez; Municipal DIF President Cristina Sánchez and Poncitlán Priority Development Centers Coordinator Anita Torres.