More than 300 guests feast at Shriners’ Ribfest

A full house of 320 guests packed into Chapala’s Villa Encantada events center on Wednesday, March 6 for the 17th Lake Chapala Shrine Club (LCSC) Ribfest.

The lively gathering was once again catered by Adelita Bar and Grill, well known for the tender and juicy grilled BBQ ribs offered on its regular daily menu.


Platters of ribs, baked beans, coleslaw and dinner rolls were distributed in efficient table-to-table service by the Adelita staff. Meanwhile, throughout the afternoon, many in the crowd enjoyed getting up to dance to live music in the repertoire of classic hits provided by the Tall Boys Band.


Scores of 50/50 raffle tickets sold to guests brought the winner’s kitty up to approximately 50,000 pesos.


The Ribfest is LCSC’s annual fund-raiser that supports its main activity of helping lakeside children with medical problems. The group pays for family transportation costs to Mexico City for treatments at the Shriner Hospital, as well as expenses for attention at lakeside and in Guadalajara. In 2023, the club funded trips to the nation’s capital for 78 young patients and two more received local treatments.


Last year’s expenditures added up to 419,584.90 pesos.  Since 2006, the Shriners have spent a whopping 5.9 million pesos for the benefit of 2,440 patients.

Great grub and good times is a winning formula to extend the Shriners’ noble cause in changing lives for so many local families.