Federal government launches platform for vaccine registration for over 60s

All adults over age 60 in Mexico who want to receive a free vaccination against Covid-19 can register online, Deputy Health Minister Hugo López-Gatell announced Tuesday.

pg7The federal government this week launched its website to sign up for the vaccination registry – mivacuna.salud.gob.mx – although the platform quickly became saturated as thousands tried to log on at once.

Some people managed to finish the process and register successfully, while others were unable to get past the first page of the procedure before the site crashed. Many gave up after making multiple attempts.

On Wednesday, Lopez-Gatell promised to have the glitches fixed in the next few days. He stressed that no one will be left out, and that everyone in Mexico who wants a vaccine will be able to get one.

The main requisite for registration is having a CURP, or Personal ID Code Number.  All resident foreigners with a CURP will be eligible for a vaccine.

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