Deranged man takes revenge on folk healer

A 38-year-old man in a rural community outside Lagos de Moreno has been charged with stabbing to death his curandero (folk healer) after paying more than 300 dollars for a “spiritual cleansing” that he said “didn’t work.”

Abraham Hernandez Oliva returned to the home of curandero Jose de Jesus Vasquez Romo a few days after forking out 3,500 pesos for a treatment he was led to believe would cure him of feelings of “bedevilment.”

Hernandez told police that he remonstrated with Vasquez, who had taken two hours to show up for the second appointment.

With members of Vasquez’s family watching, Hernandez then produced a knife and stabbed the folk healer in the throat and back.

Vasquez was rushed to hospital in a private car but succumbed before getting there.

Municipal police quickly arrived at the scene and arrested Hernandez, who made no attempt to escape.

Hernandez later told police that he had a dream that if he washed his hands with the blood of the medicine man he would be cured of all his ills.