New measures set to run until Jan. 31

Given the escalating number of Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the state, Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro decreed new emergency restrictions and closures to run from January 16 through January 31.

pg1bThe key measures are:

• All leisure activities to cease, including social and cultural activities (indoor and outdoor) and religious services.


• To close: cinemas, casinos, gyms, parks, plazas, bars, nightclubs, sports clubs, museums, natural protected zones (Primavera, Nevado de Colima), zoos, government offices (except for tax payment windows).

• Employees of “corporate offices and professional services” must work from home or remotely.

• Restricted access: All supermarkets, stores, tianguis and shopping “corridors” are limited to one person per visit, with no “older adults” (over 60s) or children allowed.

• Restaurants to operate to 50-percent capacity, closing at 10 p.m.

• Commercial mall parking space reduced to 25 percent.

• Beaches open from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• Schools will not reopen for in-person classes on January 25, as announced tentatively last month.