Vaccine milestone reached in Jalisco

Volunteers throw confetti as Zacatecas native Alberto Rincón Ortega, a biotechnology engineer and seven-year resident of Guadalajara, receives the one-millionth vaccine to combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus applied in the state of Jalisco.

The shot was given Tuesday at the Benito Juárez Auditorium in Zapopan, the principal site for vaccinations in the metropolitan area, where medical staff are inoculating around 3,900 people each hour.


This week, appointments for first jabs were scheduled for city residents between the ages of 30 and 39. Around 750 people are involved in the vaccine effort at the auditorium, including nurses and employees from the Jalisco Health Department (SSJ), traffic police and Zapopan Public Security officers, high school and university students undertaking their obligatory “social service,” as well as federal “brigadistas,” paramedics and volunteers.