Reversal for AMLO’s electricity sector reforms

A bill sent to the federal Chamber of Deputies by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, which would have increased state control over the nation’s electricity sector, failed to reach the necessary number of votes required to change Mexico’s Constitution.

Legislators from opposition parties united against the reform package, which had been fiercely criticized by U.S. politicians of all persuasions. The final vote was 275 for the reforms, and 233 against.

AMLO slammed the lawmakers who failed to back his reforms, calling them “traitors” who failed to support the interests of the nation. He called the legislators “outspoken defenders of foreign companies … dedicated, to put it bluntly, to looting and stealing.”

The bill sought to dial back many of his predecessor’s business-friendly energy reforms and favor the state-owned power utility, the Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), over private companies.

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