Bugs in Tequila: booze & food too

Car enthusiasts might consider taking the 45-minute journey to Tequila this weekend to check out some amazing examples of how aficionados of the humble Vocho (VW Bug or Beetle) are keeping this iconic German automobile alive.

“Tequilazo Vochero 4” takes place at the Unidade Deportivo 24 de enero in Tequila on Saturday, March 25 and Sunday, March 26.  A large exhibition area will be set aside to showcase dozens of meticulously maintained VW Bug models, both original and upgraded, as well as Combos.


Obviously, the event, which is organized by the Volks Club GDL, is mainly designed to bring together the close-knit VW Bug community, but outsiders are more than welcome, and will enjoy the day out, which offers plenty of food and beverage options, including beer and tequila, as well as live music and raffles. The sponsors of the show are El Tequileño tequila.  For more information, see Tequilazo Vochero on Facebook.

The VW Bug first came to Mexico in 1954, and production in this country began in 1961.  Mexico was the last in the world to manufacture  the original car, shutting down production at the VW plant in Puebla in 2003.  Production of the modern version Beetle ended in 2019.