Young leaders takes charge of Day of the Dead exhibit

The future of Chapala’s traditional Day of the Dead altar display on Calle 5 de Mayo seemed to be in peril after long-time coordinator Cristina Flores announced last month that she was ready to give up the ghost after 17 years at the helm.

The annual custom is now back on track with Flores’ daughter Christian Hernández, neighbor Carlos Ernesto Esparza and several of their young pals stepping up to the plate to take over organization of the event.

The November 2 exhibition of colorful doorstep memorials dedicated to the dearly departed began as a cooperative effort among a few householders keen on preserving a deep-rooted Mexican tradition. It steadily evolved into a lively one-night street fair that now draws scores of participants and throngs of spectators to the central Chapala thoroughfare every year.

Each Altar de Muertos is unique in design and content, reflecting the lifestyles and habits of the dead persons who are fondly remembered on All Soul’s Day, as well as the artistic talents of the families and organized groups taking part in the exhibition. Visitors stroll along the street to view the decorative displays, sample offerings of typical foods and drinks, and mix it up with the local crowd. Music, dance, poetry readings, theater and live models appearing as costumed skeletons add extra dimension to the scene.

Anyone interested in signing up to mount displays should touch base with Hernández at (cell) 331-763-9205, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Esparza at (cell) 331-721-2871.

Those seeking information on getting involved in collateral cultural activities may contact Octavio Pérez at (cell) 335-305-1020 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..