Jewish Film Festival selection: A comic riff on some serious stuff

Sunday’s feature at the Ajijic Jewish Film Festival is “My Neighbor, Adolf,” resurrecting the old conspiracy theory that Hitler escaped Germany at the end of the war and was living incognito someplace in South America.

At first blush, it’s a plot that sounds like a thriller, but, in fact, this movie is a comedy, albeit a dark one.


Set in 1960 Colombia when Adolf Eichmann was captured in Argentina by the Israelis, “My Neighbor Adolf” follows Holocaust survivor Malak Polsky (Scottish actor, David Hayman, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”), now a curmudgeonly elderly man who lost his entire family in the death camps and lives an isolated life in a rickety house somewhere in the rural country. He’s an old man living a lonely and boring existence whose only interest is in tending some black rose bushes beloved by his dead wife, and playing solitaire chess from the games posted in the daily paper.

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