
Cohetes: Deafening Sound & Furyv

It was bound to happen. As assorted religious celebrations are observed this time of year, perpetual squabbles over cohetes (sky rockets) have blasted off on social networks.

pg16It started with someone writing, ”Why all the fireworks so early in the morning?”

“Here we go again,” another responded to that non-judgmental question, probably raised by a newcomer still unfamiliar with local customs.

Per usual, it unleashed a torrent of sarcastic and facetious assessments, some misinformation, and plenty of the outrage that the topic typically triggers.

No, rockets weren’t shot off for Día de la Raza or because “It’s Wednesday.” And no, churches don’t buy or sell explosive devices. Cohetes are purchased in large bundles by the gremios (trade guilds) that also sponsor floral arrangements and offerings for church services, music, and whatever else goes with religious festivities.

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