Lake Chapala communities await Holy Week hustle & bustle

The Lake Chapala region will once again bustle with activity over the April 8 through 24 Easter vacation period, contrasting with the subdued ambience that persisted under the two-year shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The area is expected to attract throngs of holiday visitors, while local inhabitants revive traditional observances of the most significant Christian holiday.

Most local banks will close on Good Friday, April 15, and ATMs may run short of cash over the weekend. Full-time residents might consider stocking the larder beforehand to avoid crowds at busy grocery outlets.

Special events confirmed to date are listed for Chapala, San Antonio Tlayacapan and Ajijic. Consult churches and neighbors about happenings coming up in other localities.



- Viernes de Dolores

Friday of Sorrows is marked with the making of shrines dedicated to Nuestra Señora de Dolores, recalling the suffering of the Virgen Mary. Displays are set up on household doorsteps and some public venues where visitors are customarily welcomed after dark with tart agua fresca beverages symbolising the Virgin’s bitter tears. The tradition is best preserved in  San Antonio Tlayacapan.


Domingo de Ramos

Palm Sunday processions commemorate Jesus Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Pilgrims carry woven palm frond figures or herbal bouquets made at home or bought from street vendors.

The blessing of palms takes place during Mass celebrated at Chapala’s San Francisco Parish and other templos. Ajijic’s Pasión de Cristo theater group co-hosts an old-fashioned village fair at the plaza from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Cast members portraying Jesus and the Apostles lead a procession along Calle Hidalgo, departing from Seis Esquinas around 6:30 p.m. Mass at the San Andrés Parish follows.


- Jueves Santo

Maundy Thursday stands out for religious services commemorating the Last Supper, after which church bells and music inside are silenced until the end of Saturday night Easter Vigils.

The Cena del Señor  service at the San Francisco parish, 7 p.m., will exclude the washing of the disciples’ feet to comply with sanitary restrictions. The Ajijic Passion Play program begins with Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, 9 p.m., at the top end of Calle El Tempisque, followed by his apprehension by Roman soldiers and torch-light march to the plaza.


Viernes Santo


The Passion of Christ is brought to life in Good Friday pageants reenacting Christ’s judgement, march to Calvary and crucifixion. Following somber evening church services, mourners join chilling Marcha de Silencio processions through darkened streets, heard only by the sounds of shuffling feet and chains dragged along the ground. Chapala’s Viacrucis Viviente, starts at the San Francisco Parish atrium, 9 a.m., followed by Via Crucis along Avenida Madero and other streets leading to the esplanade at La Capilla del Refugio.

The San Antonio Via Crucis will repeat last year’s simplified religious procession led by Jesus bearing the cross; the time still to be announced. The main episodes of Ajijic’s Passion Play set in the San Andrés Parish atrium start at 11 a.m., followed by the Via Crucis with performers and spectators escorting Jesus along Calles Parroquia-Hidalgo, Juárez, Angel Flores and Tempisque to the Crucifixion site at the spot of Thursday night’s scene.


– Sábado de Gloria

Evening Resurrection Mass is celebrated at the Chapala, San Antonio and Ajijic parishes, according to times posted at each church. Later on, the burning of papier maché Judas figures take place outside Chapala City Hall and at the San Antonio and Ajijic plazas.


Domingo de Pascua

Easter Sunday services will be held throughout the day at all local Christian churches.