Why don’t people like atheists?

Now that Easter is over, it leaves me with a sense of life’s capability for redemption and renewal.

That always makes me think about religion in a different light. Even though religion is not always in keeping with today’s science, which explains everything from gravitional waves to sargassum waves in Playa del Carmen.

Atheism has never been more popular than it is today. Surveys show that nearly 20 percent of the world’s population doesn’t believe in a deity, and it’s growing, because, let’s face it, prayers aren’t being answered and insurance companies still shortchange everybody.

But prejudice against atheism is one of the last socially acceptable biases. Atheists are deeply unpopular and suspect. They have no slogans, like “Atheists – Safe to Walk the Streets of Jerusalem.” Or, “Atheists, the Loyal Opposition.”

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