Does 70 sound old anymore?

A lot of retirees here at Lakeside know what it’s like to hit 70.  It’s the milestone. And for some, it feels like walking into that milestone face first. It hurts.

For others, it’s a time of celebration for having made it so far, even though you still may not know what a non-fungible token is and whether it also comes fungible.

When I was a kid, as soon as somebody reached 70, people started dropping in on them uninvited just to check out how they were. And maybe surprise them with some cookies.

Today, we claim 70 is the new 50 ... okay, maybe 64.  Time does slow down a bit, not just for Einstein. But for everybody. Yes, aging plays tricks on you, the shape-shifting and clumsiness is there but never quite taints the self-image. We still think playfully of life, a benign denial, except for the momentary bumps, lapses, mood swings, doctor visits and accidental napping waiting in traffic, all of which you try to ignore.


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