Superheroes and their moral statement

There seems to be a run on superheroes these days, creatures of extraordinary powers and bold and courageous actions wearing Halloween costumes.

They appear mostly in American movies, video games and the openings of car dealerships. They generally represent the struggle of good versus today’s current evils. Although, they have yet to take on the pedophile groups operating out of major food chains—especially the one believed to be turning babies into cookie dough.

Judging from the successes of these movies and games that depict them, there’s an unflagging, worldwide hunger for creatures with super strength, super speed, regenerative power, shape-shifting, telepathy, flight, atomic vision, super hearing and bulging tight pants.

But notably, the first American superhero was a Mexican from over 100 years ago, who had no super power. He was just cool and, most interestingly, he didn’t need a gun.



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