Obese people in the multi-billions?

World Obesity Atlas, an organization that apparently follows obesity around the world, predicts global obesity will increase to half the global population in 12 years. 

That’s four billion people from all corners of the globe (187 countries) unable to fit in an airplane seat.

Forget Rubenesque, we’re in artist Fernando Botero territory now.

Every country will be affected by obesity, with some lower-income countries showing the highest increases which will continue over the next decade. How will these low-income nations become overweight? They’re eating the same calorie-packed processed junk foods given to them by the high-income countries singing, “We are the world … we are the children ...”

You know what processed food is. It’s just about everything in a supermarket that’s been beaten into some unnatural state, loaded with  salt, sugars, fats, flavors, soy, corn syrup, preservatives and thickeners, then packaged and labelled NATURAL.

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