A Lakeside dating site: Has the time come?

Lakeside’s dating options are few: some clubs feature dance music, while single people are drawn to volunteer projects such as humanitarian organizations, community theaters, yoga and other physical fitness activities, writers’ groups, art collectives and so on.

Most of these venues, however, are made up of women.


By most accounts, Lakeside is inhabited by as many as six to eight single women from the north for every single man. So the aforementioned places seldom work out for many women. It’s not like you can put up a sign, “Men Wanted. No Experience Necessary,” with a nice drawing of a case-book male.

Now some women can be choosy. “Would you have leg surgery to make yourself taller than me?” These types often find a problem, no matter what. But they are in the minority.

And some men move around freely, secretly searching for their mother.

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