City Living – June 20, 2015

Fiesta de Musica

Music will ring out along Guadalajara’s Via Recreactiva on Sunday, June 21 when the Fiesta de Musica takes place on eight stages set at different points on the route between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.  

Occasional visitors and regular users of the popular car-free Sunday activity will be entertained by performers of various genres, including rock, jazz, reggae, pop, tropical, classical and children’s music.

The venues are the Avenida Chapultepec, Rambla Cataluña, Parque Revolucion, Ex-Convento del Carmen, Plaza Universidad, Plaza 18 de Marzo and the Parque San Jacinto.  Multiple pianos will be installed on Chapultepec, between Lopez Cotilla and La Paz, for a performance by several artists, including Alberto Fregoso, Sofia Crimen, Skil and Gerardo Ortega, as part of the Toca Conmigo piano program.

Classic cars

Father’s Day also promises lots of fun for Dads on Sunday’s Via Recreactiva, with an exhibit of classic cars to be set up at the Minerva Glorieta between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. The exhibition is courtesy of the Auto Club Clasicos Guadalajara.  The club will also be offering a clown show for kids in the nearby Parque Jose Clemente Orozco at 11 a.m. Captain America and Spiderman will be on hand, the latter with a special vehicle, the club says.

British evening

British residents and their friends hold their monthly get-together at the home of Gail and Sondro Songini on Saturday, June 27, 8 p.m.  Call 3641-7331 for details.

Name the penguins

Children aged from 4 to 12 are  being asked to come up with names for three of the penguins that will soon be featured in a new attraction at the Guadalajara Zoo.

Great prizes are offered for the three winning entries.

First prize is an Xbox 360, 3,000 pesos and an annual pass to the zoo. Second place gets a Sony PS3, 3,000 pesos and an annual pass to the zoo. Third is a 7-inch tablet, 3,000 pesos and an annual pass to the zoo.

Participants are asked to choose three names for two male penguins and one female.

Entries may be deposited in special booths located on the  zoo’s esplanade, on the  zoo’s Facebook site or at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  
All entries must include the child’s name, age, address and telephone number.  Cutoff date is July 1, 5 p.m. Prize winners will be announced on July 3 at a press conference prior to the opening of the new penguin attraction.

Tlaquepaque Fair

Tlaquepaque’s annual fiestas are a tribute to traditional Mexican pursuits: banda music, cockfighting, charreadas, circus acts, mechanical games for kids, etcetera. In addition, there will be food and drink stalls, vendor booths, musical entertainment, dancing and more.
This year’s fair takes place from Friday, June 19 to Sunday, July 12 at the Expo Ganadera, next to the Alamo monument where Lazaro Cardenas connects with the highway to Chapala. Entry to the fairground is 30 pesos. Open daily from noon to midnight.