Operation Feed shares food, requests tools, raises ducklings

Operation Feed, San Juan Cosala’s essential food delivery program, expanded during 2014 when those receiving the weekly food packages were invited to plant and care for individual vegetable garden spaces. Not only were the gardeners able to supplement their own diets, they raised enough food to share with others in the program.

This year Operation Feed planners hope that there will be enough excess to allow the gardeners to start up a market to sell their organically grown produce.

These beginning gardeners need additional tools and equipment, including pick axes, grass clippings and newspapers for mulch, vegetable seeds, garden gloves and five gallon paint buckets for watering. Donations can be taken to the Operation Feed gardens between 9 and 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays. To visit the garden, turn north off the Carretera onto Vicente Guerrero. Turn right onto Francisco Madero at the first intersection. The garden and moringa tree orchard are on the left.

The newest project in 2015 has San Juan Cosala residents and Operation Feed families raising ducklings in another mini-business venture. The eggs from the ducks will be sold for additional family income. Duck eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs, ducks are easier than chickens to raise, and the price will be better, especially since the avian flu has boosted the cost of chicken eggs. Peta Lynne is leading the villagers in this project.  

For more information call Carol for more information (387) 761-0941.