Country hoedown to benefit dog shelter

The Ranch, a no-kill dog shelter in Ajijic, needs your support. Come to a Big Country Hoedown Sunday, November 17, 3 to 6 p.m. at a gorgeous estate in upper Ajijic (directions will be on the back of the tickets).

pg16Lake Chapala’s newest country western band, “Charlie and the Whippersnappers,” featuring Pauline Proulx as lead singer and Abby Rivera, will be entertaining guests with some great country music.

Tickets, 550 pesos, can be purchased at Chocolac Axixic next to Jitomate Restaurant (west Ajijic), Lilifher Deli a half block south of the plaza on Calle Colon on the right (downtown Ajijic) and the Scandinavian Bakery in the Laguna Mall.

This will be a big event that will include roast pig, BBQ chicken, vegetarian food & all the trimmings.  A silly selfie photo area, caricature drawing artist, prizes for best dressed cowboy and cowgirl plus great door prizes are all part of the fun.

The Ranch cares for more than 80 dogs and has huge expenses for their food and care. This is a great event for a very worthy cause. There is limited parking near the event.  Shuttle buses will run on Avenida Lazaro Cardenas from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. only.