Laguna Chapalac - July 29, 2017

Open Circle

David Greenstein will present “The Innocence Project” at the next meeting of at Open Circle, held in the Lake Chapala Society (LCS) Sala, Sunday, July 30, 10:30 a.m. to noon.

What happens when a truly innocent, as opposed to “not guilty,” person is convicted of a crime, incarcerated, and all avenues of appeal within the system have been exhausted? Enter the Innocence Project, which is not part of the system.

Greenstein will speak on how The Innocence Project has exonerated hundreds of wrongfully convicted people, including some on death row. He will also examine the current debate over the Constitutional rights of persons in the United States accused of illegal immigration and terrorism.

Greenstein has been a full-time Lakeside resident since 2004. His passions include helping stray, abused and abandoned dogs. He is also a frequent guest speaker on cruise ships, where he talks about the history and culture of the countries visited as well as the Innocence Project.

He lives in Chapala with his wife and three rescued dogs.

Family Fitness demos

The Family Fitness Center at Ajijic’s Plaza Bugambilias will mark its first anniversary with a program of free demonstrations of various athletic and exercise disciplines set for Saturday, July 29 and Sunday, July 30.

Saturday’s activities start a spinning class at 9 a.m. followed by exhibitions of taekwondo, boxing, ballet, and a Latin rhythms master class running until 1:30 p.m.

The Sunday line-up begins at 10 a.m. with a mixed martial arts demo, continuing with classes in cross fit and zumba training and a pole dance exhibition.   Visitors will also find special deals on memberships and sports gear.

Mr. and Miss Ribera

Zona Fitness Gym is bulking up for its annual Mr. and Miss Ribera de Chapala National Body Building Competition, Sunday, July 30, at the Auditorio de la Ribera.

The event, with various age categories and exhibitions of sport clothes, features special food and drink and begins at 12:30 p.m. For more information on how to participate or just enjoy the show, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Two young Brigadistas from remote lakeside community San Pedro Itzican practice their new-found skills during a presentation. The brigadistas are raising funds to pay for 14 new uniforms for new leaders who have just joined this program, where they are trained in Guadalajara to fight fires and provide emergency first aid. More than 1,300 youngsters are enrolled in the program, during which they take part in community projects and are encouraged to stay in school.  The Lake Chapala Society is helping them raise the 1,200 pesos for each uniform with the raffle of a new HP laptop computer Saturday, July 29, 11 a.m. at LCS. Tickets, 30 pesos, can be purchased on the day of the raffle.

LCS seminar

Lake Chapala Society members are invited to attend a TED seminar, hosted by Susan Weeks, on “Rewild the World” by George Monbiot, Tuesday, August 1, noon to 1:15 p.m. in the LCS Sala.

Wolves were once native to the U.S. Yellowstone National Park until hunting wiped them out. But when they were re-introduced in 1995, something interesting happened: the rest of the park began to find a new, more healthful balance.

In a bold thought experiment, Monbiot imagines a wilder world in which humans work to restore the complex, lost, natural food chains that once surrounded us.

Spanish classes

The Lake Chapala Society (LCS) announces its next round of Introduction to Spanish-language classes for its members. This is a casual class offered for the beginner that covers the Spanish alphabet, simple vocabulary and phrases to use about town for shopping, and other useful information about our area and Mexican culture.

Classes are held each month starting the first Tuesday of the month and continue for three weeks. Classes start August 1 and will be held at the LCS campus from noon until 1:30 p.m. Learning materials are provided, and the tuition for the classes is 175 pesos.

Sunrise Rotary Club

Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club is hosting a wine and cheese mixer for the public Friday, August 4, 5-7 p.m. at Rio Amazonas 17-B, Ranch del Oro.

Take this opportunity to chat with Rotarians about the club and the projects it supports, to meet some new people and to have fun. Live music by Victor and Ignacio.

From the Carretera, turn up Rio Chamela (opposite Hacienda Don Pedro’s restaurant), first house on the left (corner of Chamela and Rio Amazonas).

For more information, call Blair Ferguson at 333-142-3038 (cel) or Pam Davis at 331-430-9029 (cel).

British Society

The Lakeside British Society holds its monthly luncheon Saturday, August 5, 1 p.m. at Manix Restaurant, Ocampo 57, Ajijic.

Reba Mayo will be the speaker at this meeting.

Menu choices begin with a small salad or minestrone soup, choice of fish fillet with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and vegetables; brisket with mashed potatoes, gravy and vegetables; spinach lasagna or a large salad. Dessert is berries and ice cream. The cost is 150 pesos plus tip.

Contact Sue Morris at 766-0847 or Sue Sterlini at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to confirm your attendance and menu choice.

Gardening classes

Lakeside gardening guru Francisco Nava is once again offering his Gardening at Lakeside courses to Lake Chapala Society (LCS) members through its Personal Enrichment Program.

Introduction and advanced classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, August 15-September 7, in the LCS Sala. Each class is limited to 20 people and the course cost is 500 pesos. Sign up at the LCS office.

The Introduction to Lakeside Gardening class runs from 9:30-10:30 p.m. and the Advanced Lakeside Gardening class is scheduled from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.


LCS Bus Trip

The Lake Chapala Society hosts a bus trip to Tonala and Tlaquepaque Wednesday, August 23. This is a great chance to browse and buy handicrafts at modest and upscale retailers.

The cost is 350 pesos for members and 450 pesos for non-members. The bus departs promptly at 9 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta. Sign up is available at the LCS office during regular office hours, Monday through Saturday. Or signup is easy and quick on the LCS website. LCS is located at 16 de Septiembre 16A, Ajijic. Telephone: (376) 766-1140; website:

Lakeside Assistance BBQ

Ranger BBQ will put on a fundraiser for the Lakeside Assistance Group, Saturday, August 26, 1 p.m. at the Centro Cultural Gonzalez Gallo.   

This group works with U.S. and Canadian firefighters and other groups to bring high quality used equipment to fire departments in north shore Lake Chapala towns. The cost to ship containers filled with this equipment is about US$4,000. Tickets for the BBQ are available from Vince Britton at American Legion Post 7.

Summer grant program

The Foundation for Lake Chapala Charities invites Lakeside-area charities to apply for awards totaling 100,000 pesos.

Four to six registered A.C.s, or I.A.P. non-profits will share in the organization’s funding for proposed projects. The applications, available in English or Spanish, are due on or before August 31.

For more information, applications and instructions, contact Margy Kassier at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Susan Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Heart of Awareness

The Heart of Awareness Community’s regular meditation and teaching session is on Wednesdays when the center opens at 3:30 p.m. and formal meditation begins at 4 p.m.  August 2, the meditation period will be followed with a video teaching by educator and Zen master Ruben L. F. Habito, whose topic is “We are all Refugees:  Seeking Our True Home.”  The first in a series of 4 talks to be viewed in August is titled “Recognizing Global Malaise.” The gathering ends by 6 p.m.

The Community offers silent meditation opportunities several times each week.  The center is open on Sunday and Monday from 9-10 a.m. and Thursday from 11 a.m. to noon for hour-long silent meditation, consisting of sitting and walking.

On Wednesday and Saturday mornings, from 9-11 a.m., Latika Pierrette Claude offers a gentle and spiritual yoga practice at the Center.

The Heart of Awareness is grounded in the teachings of the Buddha.  Prior experience or affiliation is not required.  The center is located at Guadalupe Victoria 101 in Ajijic. For further information on the community and scheduled activities, visit the website,, or call Janet Reichert at 331-043-4669.