Laguna Chapalac - August 18, 2018

Open Circle

Diana Gorjon and Roxana Rojas present “Lunas de Maluri” at the next meeting of Open Circle, Sunday, August 19, 10:30 a.m., on the patio of the Lake Chapala Society (LCS).

A journey began at 11:22 p.m. on January 23, 2011, when there came a startling knock at the door. A woman named Maria said she needed help and attending a 12-step meeting just didn’t suffice. In her eyes were despair, anxiety, and fear. Sometimes projects are born this way – sudden knocks on the door in search of hope in the middle of the night. Now Lunas de Maluri is home to more than 80 people in recovery from various addictions and emotional traumas.

Gorjon is the assistant administrator and Rojas a voluntary facilitator at Lunas de Maluri in Jocotepec. They are part of a team of caregivers consisting of a medical doctor, four psychologists and ten addiction therapists. Some of the staff are also certified in disaster relief due to hurricanes or earthquakes throughout Mexico.


Heart Dancing                                        

Heart Dancing sessions will be offered in the LCS sala Tuesdays, 4-5:30 p.m. beginning September 4. There is no fee, but the group will be limited to the first 12 people who enroll.

Heart Dancing is expressive, easy body movement that benefits the heart, body and the soul of the dancer. Dancers are free to move to the music according to their capabilities and inclinations.

According to Barbara Hildt, who will lead the first eight sessions, dancing is beneficial in many ways, renewing energy, improving balance, increasing muscle strength, flexibility, reducing joint stiffness and enhancing stamina, balance, breathing, circulation and heart health.

“If a person can move any body part, she can dance. Lack of experience should not inhibit us from dancing freely and expressively,” says Barbara, who started dancing as a toddler and has never stopped.

Information and enrollment: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Basic yoga

Learn how to safely move to maintain your alignment while becoming comfortable with yoga poses and transitions Wednesdays, 2-3 p.m., on the LCS gazebo, beginning September 5, for LCS members. Bring a mat. Chairs are available.


People interested in learning pickleball, lakeside’s fastest growing outdoor sport, are welcome to take advantage of classes for beginners held Thursdays, 6-7 p.m., at Chapala’s Hotel Montecarlo, Avenida Hidalgo 296.

Bilingual instructors Kevin Duff and Sam Recinos are offering the classes at no charge, although students are required to pay the hotel’s 50-peso charge for entrance to the courts.

Pickleball is a paddle sport for singles and doubles play that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis. The low-impact court game has seen a meteoric rise in popularity in recent years, particularly among senior adults. Basic rules and techniques are easily learned in a single class, the two coaches say.

pg13aFor details contact Kevin Duff via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or 315-133-9484 (cel).


Brain imaging pioneer Nancy Kanwisher will discuss “A Neural Portrait of the Human Brain” at the next TED Talk, Tuesday, August 21, noon to 1:15 p.m., at the Lake Chapala Society Sala. LCS members only.

Kanwisher, who uses fMRI scans to see activity in brain regions (often her own brain), shares what she and her colleagues have learned: The brain is made up of both highly specialized components and general purpose “machinery.”

Tech classes

Lake Chapala Society members can take technology classes Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m., in the LCS sala.

Thursday August 23: iPhone Q&A. Bring your iPhone questions for clarification.

Thursday August 31: Android Q&A. Bring your Android questions for clarification.

LCS bus trip

The Lake Chapala Society heads to Galerias Mall and Costco Thursday, August 23. Shop at major retailers such as Sears, Best Buy and Super Walmart. Dine at popular restaurants.

pg13bThe bus departs at 9:30 a.m. from the sculpture in La Floresta.

Cost is 370 pesos for members and 470 pesos for non-members.

LCS Prueba Mexico

The Lake Chapala Society offers more courses on Mexican traditions.

Thursday, August 31, the course is titled “Temascal: ancient Mexican ritual” (purifying spirit). It will be presented by Ricardo Yohualoceloth and Cesar Mata in the Tlatonal community near Ixtlahuacan from 2-6:30 p.m. The fee is 650 pesos. A minimum of ten students will need to sign up by August 24.

Imbibing Mexican style

Lake Chapala Society members can partake of a Prueba Mexico class in Mexican hot cocktails with instructor Carlos Yañez, Tuesday, September 11, 3-5 p.m.

Learn how to prepare a vampirito, a sangrita, a casuela, a traditional margarita and a michelada, just in time to celebrate Mexican Independence Day. Sign up through September 6 at the LCS office.

Mexican taxes, government

As part of the Lake Chapala Society’s Personal Enrichment Program, Maria de las Nieves Solbes and Diego Solbes will lead the course, “Taxes and government: How do they work in Mexico?” Fridays, September 7-28, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the South Campus Board Room.

Moving to another country might be a very confusing experience when it comes to how the law works. You are full of questions and doubts. What taxes should I pay? How? When? Why? What does the government do with them? What does a delegado (municipal delegate) do? What’s the structure of the Mexican government? How does it work, etc?

Sign up at the LCS office, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enrollment ends September 1.

Insight Meditation

The Heart of Awareness Insight Meditation Community offers multiple opportunities each week for silent meditation:  Sundays, 9 a.m., Wednesdays, 4 p.m., and Thursdays, 11 a.m. All sessions are open to the public regardless of experience or affiliation. Chairs and cushions are provided as well as brief written instructions on meditation for beginners. 

Wednesday, August 22, the meditation period will be followed by a video talk by Julie Nelson titled “Taking Vows, Attaining Nothing: A Zen Perspective on Personal and Social Projects.”

Nelson, an economics professor and teacher in the Boundless Way Zen school, talks about how the concept of nonattainment can transform the way we work with our desires, intentions and deeply felt commitments, examining our longing for happiness and health and our aspirations for social, economic and environmental justice.

Everyone is welcome to come for just the meditation or the program and discussion, or both. The session ends at 6 p.m.

At the monthly Monday Movie Matinee August 20, the film will be “Akong: A Remarkable Life.” The story of Tibetan Buddhism’s emergence in the West cannot be told without acknowledging the life of the late Chöje Akong Tulku Rinpoche (1939–2013). In 1959, when tensions between China and Tibet came to a head, 19-year-old Akong Rinpoche, his close friend Chögyam Trungpa, and 200 other Tibetans embarked on foot on a dangerous journey to northern India. With historical footage – including scenes from this ten-month trek across the Himalayas – and recent interviews, this documentary celebrates Akong Rinpoche’s lifelong commitment to share the Buddhist teachings with many thousands around the world (96 minutes). No fee is charged, but donations are welcome.

A yoga class is offered at The Heart of Awareness on Thursdays from 9-10:45 a.m.

The meditation center is at Guadalupe Victoria 101, Ajijic. Information: