‘An absolutely atrocious year,’ asserts US ambassador

Speaking in a panel of high-level diplomats at Guadalajara’s International Book Fair (FIL) Wednesday afternoon, Christopher Landau raised eyebrows by scolding and setting himself apart from colleagues focusing on a “multilateral” approach to Covid-19.

pg7“It’s necessary to be very honest about what happened, because it’s so painful for all of us,” said Landau, who took up his post in Mexico City as an appointee of the Trump administration in late 2019. “It’s like a science fiction novel.”

“The virus began in a certain country and spread to every corner of the world. The multilateral institutions didn’t achieve their objectives.”

Besides this “certain country,” Landau seemed to reserve particular rancor towards the ambassador of Norway, Rut Kruger Giverin, who spoke just before him, emphasizing her small country’s “strong belief in multilateralism against the virus” and its “long history of helping less powerful nations.” She also said that past pandemics had seen powerful countries coming up with vaccines that the less powerful did not get. 

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